おかげさまで | Okage Sama De | because of you, I am
For the first 6 months of the year I participated in @vigilantlove ‘s Solidarity Arts Fellowship, wherein a group of Japanese Americans and Muslim Americans come together to strengthen our solidarity efforts through a combinatory lens of activism, art and healing. It’s been one of the most inspiring and contemplative learning experiences that I’ve been a part of and I truly cherish all that I have learned!
A note to my dear fellows and facilitators,
Thank you for fostering my newfound love and appreciation for the Japanese American community/history/culture and for deepening my reverence for the diversity within the Muslim American experience. Learning from such a remarkable group of leaders: our Muslim Elders, Sensei, artists and activists was astounding. I can already sense the ways in which my perspective on our world and it’s facets have changed for the better. Reckoning with our limitations in understanding and admitting our biases is not always easy, but you have all held me and helped me feel the joy and constructively move through the grief of this work. What a gift!
What’s more, consistently, with every retreat, I have been so impressed by the talent in this group and in awe of the warmth and kindness that I have received from each of you. You are the most incredible and supportive people and I feel so blessed to have met you and privileged to have grown by your side. It’s also been so refreshing to be among a group that wholly believes in embracing feelings and celebrating their power.
And furthermore, it’s been so awesome to be a part of a group that centers mental wellbeing instead of casting it aside as an issue of peripheral importance. By letting me into your emotions, as well as your stories of vulnerability, strength and resilience, I have gained so much insight, moments for introspection and compassion - not only for your particular lived experiences, but also for what it means to be a human on this Earth. I’m looking forward to continue building with you all!
Jazakallah Khairan & Arigato Gozaimasu & much Vigilant Love to you ♥️